



To support musicians, go to their shows and buy their CDs or merch!

Eddie Mendenhall is an exceptional pianist, organist, and composer who leads his own group and also has performed with “Senator” Eugene Wright, Ray Drummond, Pete Christlieb, Gary Meek, Manhattan Jazz Quintet, Ali Jackson Jr., Tommy Campbell, Bruce Forman and many more. He is based in Japan and frequently travels to the United States, and also teaches piano + music theory to students in the U.S., Japan, and around the world.


Kuumbwa Jazz Center (Santa Cruz, CA) - October 2020
with Stan Poplin (bass) and Keshav Batish (drums)

"Morning Stretch" from Cosine Meets Tangent (2011)
debut album by Eddie Mendenhall
with Mark Sherman (vibraphone), John Shifflett (bass), and Akira Tana (drums)

With Akio Sasajima (guitar) and Gene Jackson (drums) "Up Jumped Spring" at the Living Room in Sapporo, Japan

Public Events Calendar

some of the upcoming public performances10/5 (土)lobby/lounge@ Westin Hotel, Tokyo, 12pm-
10/5 (土)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-
10/6(日)The lobby lounge@ Shangri La Hotel, Tokyo, 1:15pm-10/8(火)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/10(木)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/11(金)The Union Bar & Lounge, Hyatt Regency, Yokohama , Yokohama, 6pm-10/12 (土)lobby/lounge@ Westin Hotel, Tokyo, 12pm-
10/12 (土)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-
10/13(日)The lobby lounge@ Shangri La Hotel, Tokyo, 1:15pm-10/14(月)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/15(火)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/17(木)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/19(土)サンポート・オータム・ジャム 2024 in 高松 , Takamatsu, 2pm- Trio del Porto,   藤原清登 (Double Bass), Eddie Mendenhall (Pf), 森下啓(Ds)10/21(月)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/22(火)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/23(水)音景 Organ Room , Yokohama, 7pm- Jam Session led by Eddie Mendenhall (org/key)10/24(木)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/25(金)The Union Bar & Lounge, Hyatt Regency, Yokohama , Yokohama, 6pm-10/26 (土)lobby/lounge@ Westin Hotel, Tokyo, 12pm-
10/26 (土)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-
10/27(日)The lobby lounge@ Shangri La Hotel, Tokyo, 1:15pm-10/28 (月)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/29 (火)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-10/30(水)音景 Organ Room , Yokohama, 7pm- Urgency! Gene Jackson (Ds), Gene Ess Shimosato (G), Eddie Mendenhall (Org)10/31 (木)Melody Bar, Hilton , Yokohama, 8pm-

To support musicians, go to their shows and buy their CDs or merch!



Eddie is available for lessons virtually and in person.
Subjects covered: piano/jazz organ technique, music theory, Logic Pro, and more
Rates: $70 for one hour
1レッスン (1時間) 7000円◆場所:オンライン
または 生徒様宅 / 指定先
◆内容:ジャズピアノ・オルガン  テクニック、理論、ロジック  プロ  ソフトウェア…など◆デジタルコンテンツ制作に必要な楽曲提供、学校行事でのミュージカル伴奏、ジャズボーカリストの英語発音指導、譜面制作なども承ります◆Eddie can provide original music for your digital media (such as slideshows, webpages, videos, etc,...), accompaniment for school musicals, and making professional grade charts for jazz vocalists.If you are interested, please click "Book Appointment" to be directed to a new window, or submit your information using the form below.お問合わせ、ご予約は下のフォームからお願いします

©Eddie Mendenhall. All rights reserved.

13歳でクラシックからジャズピアノへ転向。 米国の名門校スティーブンソン高校在学中よりプロとして 演奏を開始。モントレージャズフェスティバル(MJF)では '89, '90年自己のトリオがオープニングに選ばれ、17歳でジャズ界の巨匠、ディジー  ガレスピー(トランペット)と共演。ボストンのバークリー音楽大学へ奨学金生として進学。ジャズ作曲学部卒業後、日本へ拠点を移動。約7年間日本においては高い音楽技術と気品に満ちたパフォーマンス、そして気さくな人柄から日本全国幅広くコンサートやイベント、大使館パーティ等に出演。その後、愛娘の教育を理由に 故郷カリフォルニア州へ戻った後はジャズスティールドラムの名手オセロ  モリノーの西海岸ツアー、自己のトリオを含めたさまざまな演奏活動の他、ジャズ教育にも力を注いだ。リーダーアルバムの  "Cosign Meets Tangent" (2011, Miles High Record) はMark Sherman (vib.), Akira Tana (d.) John Shifflett (b.)をフィーチャー。オリジナリティをカラフルに提示、高評価を得た。Monterey Jazz Festival(CA, USA)、Monterey Jazz Festival in Noto(石川県  能登)などアメリカと日本のフェスティバルやジャズクラブで活躍中。講師として、モントレージャズ・フェスティバル、私立スティーブンソン高校(Pebble Beach)、カリフォルニア音楽院(CJC)、サンホゼジャズ、ジャズキャンプウェスト、スタンフォードジャズワークショップ等。"Senator"Eugene Wright, Ray Drummond, Othello Molineaux, Pete Christlieb, the Manhattan Jazz Quintet, Ali Jackson Jr., Tommy Campbell, Peter Erskine, Enrique Iglesias, Akira Tana等とも共演。

Eddie began studying piano when he was four years old, and by the time he was eight he was good enough to play works of Schumann and Beethoven in front of his school. He became hooked on jazz at the age of 13, when he attended the Monterey Jazz Festival. While still in high school, he earned a place in the Monterey Jazz Festival High School All Star Band in 1989 and 1990, under direction of Bill Berry and had the opportunity to accompany Dizzy Gillespie at the main stage of the festival. Soon after, Eddie earned scholarships to the Berklee College of Music in Boston and went on to graduate with a Bachelors degree in Jazz Composition.For the next 7 years the Tokyo jazz scene kept Eddie busy along with several trips back to the states. He rapidly became one of the busiest pianists in Tokyo. Performances ranged from jazz clubs, major hotels, touring around Japan and embassy parties. Through this extensive time spent as a soloist, he developed his own style, but says that his main influences are Art Tatum, Teddy Wilson, Hank Jones, Hampton Hawes and Bill Evans.Recent stateside projects include a trio with bassist Dan Robbins and drummer Steve Robertson. The trio backed the steel drum jazz legend Othello Molineaux during a California tour. Eddie has performed and recorded with Ray Brown’s “Great Big Band” for the last 5 years, and is featured on the fall 2010 release of Ray’s CD Kayak.Eddie’s compositions also include works ranging from solo piano to large ensemble. His exceptional writing is featured on Cosine Meets Tangent, Eddie’s debut recording as a leader. The CD, out February 15, 2011 on Miles High Records, features vibraphonist Mark Sherman, drummer Akira Tana, and bassist John Shifflett.
Eddie is active in jazz education working with the Stevenson School (Upper School in Pebble Beach), the Monterey Jazz Festival, the California Jazz Conservatory, San Jose Jazz Summer Camp, Living Jazz (Jazz Camp West), and the Stanford Jazz Workshop.